E1 Technical Essay

10 Sep 2023

Browser History 1 Browser history 1 took me an hour for SD with 5 tries because it took me a while to get started and in the groove of setting up the server and everything. Organizing my thoughts and how I was going to attack the WOD took a while too. I DNFd the first few times because I did not run though the lab long enough and was still learning how to use the terminal effectively. I was able to get to standard time by practicing and writing the key points that I would get stuck on, so that when I would get stuck on it again I could physically reference something. Some of my attempts I just stopped half way because I knew that I could not recover from getting stuck on one question. What I learned from this WOD was the basic framing/ template of HTML, with the emmit broiler DOC [tab] and the framing of paragraphs and images.

Browser History 2 Browser History 2 took me 45 minutes and 9 tires but in the end I got RX. It took me so many tires because I was getting confused with linking to CSS. I found that to be the most difficult and understanding the concept was tricky too. From each time I was able to improve my understanding of what and how I was linking the two together. The second part of formatting the page’s color and fonts was easy after that. But finding the correct font I did have to ask a peer for a link. And after I understood the concept I was able to punch in the code really fast on my final try. And what I found to really help me was to read the files and after 3 tries to watch the answer video to see how the professor explained the concept. I also would refresh my page after every step to see what changed with what worked and didn’t work.

Browser History 3 Browser history 3 took me 50 minutes with 7 tries and AV because I kept redoing it and redoing it. I found that arranging the paragraphs to be even was difficult and had to watch the video on how to do that and found that getting the table of contents evenly distributed was difficult. I think that just trial and error helped me out. What I learned from this WOD was how padding works, and I think that I will be using that a lot in the future with making my projects neat.

Overall I think that going through the questions then trying it on my own first, seeing where I need to read more, read more about it. Then try again, and see what is still missing then watch the video. THat was the best approach for me to get to the solution. I think when I use all my resources and still can’t find the answer, I am okay with looking at the answer. And instead of wasting my time just ponding the correct code I get to learn how it should be done to learn from my mistakes.