E3: Preparing for WODs Technical Essay

30 Sep 2023

Invoice 1 Invoice one we worked on not hardcoding and using document write to link things together. And working with applying algebraic techniques in code was refreshing to me a bit. For more infor about it here is a link .

So far I have kept the same technique as I did from the very beginning. I try to do the WOD on my own at least one time then I watch the video and understand the reason behind my mistakes. And specifically for this WOD what I had trouble with was just carless errors because their was a lot of copy and paste so I just had to go slower and make sure I pasted the correct thing, and added the correct changes to each section. I only record the WOD when I have fully finished the work of the day on my own, and when I get an error or something I just can’t figure out how to fix I just delete everything and start from the beginning. What I do to prepare for my WODs is I catch up on all my reading and read the whole WOD then I start. What I might try in the future to have more successful WODs on my first time is just reading the material more and reading more example or applications of the context. I think when I see more examples I will be able to apply those techniques to the assignment weather in WOD or the labs.